Mizpah Congregation-Ochs Memorial Temple (organ removed in 1974)

The organ for the 1928 temple was designed by the well-known municipal organist of Chattanooga, Edwin Lemare. It was unusually complete for its size, with a Tuba and a 32′ Bourdon. The organ was installed behind the existing silver facade pipes in chambers to each side of the rostrum. The drawknob console was located in the choirloft above the ark. In 1974 the organ was replaced by a 3-manual Allen. The Moller was parted-out, with seven ranks relocated to the First Baptist Church of Saks in Anniston, Alabama. The rest of the pipework is in storage at the Anniston church awaiting installation as funds permit.

The specifications below come from the factory contract signed on May 28, 1927, by Milton B. Ochs, chairman of the building committee; Edwin Lemare, organist; E. O. Shulenberger, M. P. Moller, Inc.

M. P. Moller, Inc., Op. 5029, 2/24, 1928

GREAT (Unenclosed Section – 6″ wind)

8′ Grand Diapason (bearded and lowest octave wood) 73 pipes
4′ Principal 73 pipes

GREAT (Enclosed Section – 5″ wind)

8′ Dulciana (soft Diapason quality) 73 pipes
8′ Vox Angelica (undulate on flat side, to tenor C) 49 pipes
8′ Concert Flute (small scale, open wood, Melodia-type with thin walls, open tone – not harmonique) 73 pipes
8′ Unda Maris (undulate on flat side, to tenor C) 49 pipes
4′ Flute Harmonic (open metal lower octave) 73 pipes
8′ Clarinet (prepared for)
8′ Tuba Sonora (10″ wind – heavy metal, round tone) 73 pipes
Unison Off
Cathedral Chimes (“Liberty” graduated, two octaves)

SWELL (5″ wind)

16′ Lieblich Gedeckt (small scale wood, thin Chimney Flute quality) 73 pipes
8′ Open Diapason (wide mouth; same character as Great Grand Diapason) 73 pipes
8′ Chimney Flute (small scale, metal, chimneys to tenor C, soft) 73 pipes
8′ Viole d’Orchestre (very stringy tone) 73 pipes
8′ Voix Celeste (very stringy, tuned on flat side; to tenor C) 49 pipes
8′ Muted Violin (tapered, special scale, soft) 73 pipes
4′ Principal 73 pipes
4′ Orchestral Flute (small scale, open wood, soft) 73 pipes
III Mixture (large scale metal, corroborating) 219 pipes
8′ Posaune (10″ wind) 73 pipes
8′ Oboe (prepared for)
8′ Vox Humana (reeds to top G) 61 pipes
4′ Clarion (10″ wind)
Unison Off
Chimes GT


32′ Contra Bourdon (same scale as the special Tibia Clausa at factory; heavy metal; below GGGG, resultant is from 16′ Bourdon a fourth below; on 10″ wind) 5 pipes
16′ Open Diapason (wood, extra large scale, heavy walls, not bearded; 6″ wind) 32 pipes
16′ Bourdon 32 pipes
16′ Lieblich Gedeckt SW
8′ Octave Diapason 12 pipes
8′ Flute 12 pipes
8′ Dolce Flute SW
16′ Trombone (ext Great Tuba Sonora) 12 pipes